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Solklart att Ryssland inte lämnar så öppna grymheter efter sig på gatan i Bucha, Butja

2022-04-03 19:02

Dagens ramaskri över Rysslands "grymheter" har inte kontrollerats av någon lögnmedia. Alla apar efter vad den ukrainska underrättelsetjänsten SBU har presenterat dem. Ärliga politiker och journalister hade avvaktat en neutral utredning innan de dömer. Därför avslöjar de omedelbara hatutbrott mot Putin och Ryssland att allt är fake news. Väst agerar hela tiden så i brist på militära framgångar. Så var det i Syrien och f d Jugoslavien också.

Enligt en tysk källa är de på gatan liggande kropparna max två dagar gamla men de ryska trupperna lämnade området redan för nästan fyra dagar sedan.

Här ryska försvarsdepartementets första svar:

"Russian Defence Ministry denies accusations of Kiev regime of allegedly killing civilians in Bucha, Kiev Region

! All the photos and videos published by the Kiev regime allegedly testifying to some "crimes" committed by Russian servicemen in Bucha, Kiev region are just another provocation.

During the time that the town has been under the control of the Russian armed forces, not a single local resident has suffered from any violent action. Russian servicemen have delivered and distributed 452 tonnes of humanitarian aid to civilians in Kiev Region.

For as long as the town was under the control of the Russian armed forces and even then, up to now, locals in Bucha were moving freely around the town and using cellular phones.

! The exits from Bucha were not blocked. All local residents were free to leave the town in northern direction, including to the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, the southern outskirts of the city, including residential areas, were shelled round the clock by Ukrainian troops with large-calibre artillery, tanks and multiple launch rocket systems.

! We would like to emphasise that all Russian units withdrew completely from Bucha as early as March 30, the day after the Russia-Ukraine face-to-face round of talks in Turkey.

Moreover, on March 31, the mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Fedoruk, confirmed in a video message that there were no Russian servicemen in the town, but he did not even mention any locals shot in the streets with their hands tied.

It is not surprising, therefore, that all the so-called "evidence of crimes" in Bucha did not emerge until the fourth day, when the Security Service of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian media arrived in the town.

It is of particular worry that all the bodies of the people whose images have been published by the Kiev regime are not stiffened after at least four days, have no typical cadaver stains, and the wounds contain unconsumed blood.

! All this confirms conclusively that the photos and video footage from Bucha are another production by the Kiev regime for the Western media, as was the case in Mariupol with the maternity hospital, as well as in other cities."

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine



Och ryska Sputnik:


Se även på ofria Fria Tiders utmärkta rapportering om Ukraina, där vissa indikationer finns att "kropparna" rörde på sig på gatan:

Ryssland: Massakern är fejk

Och den 4 april 2022 skriver de:

Det ryska utrikesdepartementets taleskvinna Maria Zacharova skriver på Telegram att säkerhetsrådets ordförandeland Storbritannien under söndagen vägrade att hålla ett sammanträde om Butja.

"Idag kommer Ryssland återigen att kräva att FN:s säkerhetsråd träffas för att diskutera de kriminella provokationerna från den ukrainska militären och radikala i den aktuella staden", skriver Zacharova.  ......

Fria Tider har gått igenom Butjas Telegramkanal. Där har det efter den 31 mars lagts upp ett stort antal bilder och filmer på röjningsarbetet i staden efter de ryska styrkornas tillbakadragande. Några uppgifter om massakern lades dock inte upp i kanalen förrän natten till söndagen den 3 april, då uppgifterna började spridas i media.

The truth about Bucha is out there, but perhaps too inconvenient to be discovered

Här kommer en film från den ukrainska polisen från den 2 april 2022 när de gick in in Bucha, inte ett enda lik på gatorna:


Update 27.07.2024 tjeckisk frivillig militär vittnar om att Ukraina mördade och våldtog i Butja, inte Ryssland:


Från min 4.40 om Bucha


Ökänd MI6 agent, Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, aktiv i Ukraina, stor risk för falsk kemisk attack mot Ryssland

2022-04-01 16:24

British intelligence operative’s involvement in Ukraine crisis signals false flag attacks ahead

With Washington and its NATO allies forced to watch from the sidelines as Russia’s military advances across Eastern Ukraine and encircles Kiev, US and British officials have resorted to a troubling tactic that could trigger a massive escalation. Following similar claims by his Secretary of State and ambassador the United Nations, US President Joseph Biden has declared that Russia will pay a “severe price” if it uses chemical weapons in Ukraine.

The warnings emanating from the Biden administration contain chilling echoes of those issued by the administration of President Barack Obama throughout the US-led dirty war on Syria.

Almost as soon as Obama implemented his ill-fated “red line” policy vowing an American military response if the Syrian army attacked the Western-backed opposition with chemical weapons, Al Qaeda-aligned opposition factions came forth with claims of mass casualty sarin and chlorine bombings of civilians. The result was a series of US-UK missile strikes on Damascus and a prolonged crisis that nearly triggered the kind of disastrous regime change war that had destabilized Iraq and Libya.

Throughout the Syrian conflict, a self-proclaimed “chemical warrior” named Hamish de Bretton-Gordon was intimately involved in numerous chemical weapons deceptions that sustained the war and ratcheted up pressure for Western military intervention.

This February 24, just moments after Russia’s military entered Ukraine, de Bretton-Gordon surfaced again in British media to claim that Russia was preparing a chemical attack on Ukrainian civilians. He has since demanded that Ukrainians be provided with a guide he wrote called, “How To Survive A Chemical Attack.”


Of all people, de Bretton-Gordon – whose Twitter profile once identified him as a member of 77th Brigade, the British Army’s official psychological warfare division – is uniquely placed to know of these horrors. After all, he played a pivotal role in promoting and extending the dirty war through the management of information surrounding chemical weapons incidents.


De Bretton Gordon has gone as far as claiming to a British tabloid that Russia could deploy missiles and hand grenades containing the highly deadly Soviet-era chemical agent Novichok “in any future war with the West.”


Throughout the dirty war on Syria, de Bretton-Gordon routinely cropped up in the media attributing gas attacks and war crimes to Syrian and Russian forces, and fear-mongered about their implications for future conflicts with the West.

The latter role is one de Bretton-Gordon has enthusiastically resumed throughout the war in Ukraine, aggressively hyping the threat to Western countries. His messaging has tracked seamlessly with that of the US government, which initiated a program months before Russia’s military operation to prepare Ukraine’s security sector for an impending weapons of mass destruction attack.


The most dangerous claims advanced by Ukrainian propagandists have been reinforced by the supposed authority of de Bretton-Gordon, who has argued that Russian chemical strikes were absolutely inevitable, based his prediction on his opinion that Moscow “has no morals or scruples.”

The self-styled chemical weapons expert has even cautioned that Putin could deploy nuclear weapons or create a pandemic “more deadly than Covid” with an Ebola weapon. He has further speculated that Russian forces may unleash a deadly virus seized from one of several Pentagon-funded biolabs in Ukraine, then blame it on the US.


In a typical media appearance, on March 10th, de Bretton Gordon told London’s LBC radio show that “nothing is off the table at this stage.” Among the horrors he forecast was the use of white phosphorous “to set towns and cities on fire.”

Justifying his certainty, de Bretton-Gordon forcefully asserted, “the only way to take a large city or town ultimately is to use chemical weapons.” He pointed to Syria to prove his point – but without referencing his own pivotal role in escalating that conflict through the manipulation of evidence and scientifically bereft fear-mongering in the media.

Now, de Bretton-Gordon has resurfaced at the center of the aggressive push for escalation with a nuclear armed Russia. If his role in Syria is any guide, a series of cynical deceptions could be on the way."

Se även på WTV:

Alla som gör Putin ansvarig för giftgasattacken i England är krigshetsare, finns inga bevis!;

Hillary Clinton godkände Sarin-gas leveransen från Libyen till syriska rebeller enligt Seymour Hersh;




Azov-nazisterna skjuter på Ukrainska soldater, ringer och hånar ryska mödrar över deras döda söner, torterar ryska krigsfångar

2022-03-29 13:04


Nytt vittnesmål hur Ukraina tar mänskliga sköldar i Mariupol

2022-03-24 13:00


Allt fler bevis läggs fram vilken brottslig regim Ukraina har. Att så mycket av Mariupol förstörs beror på de fega Azov-nazisterna och deras politiska ledning som tar civila och barn som mänskliga sköldar hela tiden. Därför går befrielsen så långsamt.

Läs även hos Pål Bergström:

Vittnesmål: Azov sprängde teatern i Mariupol



Russian media more credible because West does sabotage them, Zaporozhskaya false Ukraine flagg

2022-03-04 12:12

Today the Russian Telegram Chanel from Russia Today is no longer available in Western countries as Latvia for example. That is criminal censorship!

Because Russian media are more honest than NATOs they are sabotaged.

F e this article from Russia Today today is very credible. Cui Bono?

Russian MoD responds to Zaporozhskaya nuclear power station incident

The Russian military says Kiev staged “a horrible provocation”

“Last night, an attempt to carry out a horrible provocation was made by Kiev’s nationalist regime on the area surrounding the station,” he announced, claiming the Russian troops patrolling the territory had been attacked by a Ukrainian sabotage group.

According to the spokesman, the Ukrainian forces had attacked Russian soldiers at about 2am local time, opening heavy fire from the training facility next to the power station in order to “provoke a retaliatory strike on the building.”

The Russian patrol had neutralized the group’s firing points, but the saboteurs had then set fire to the training facility as they retreated, Konashenkov said. The blaze was put out by the Ukrainian State Emergency Service’s firefighters. “At the moment of provocation, no staff members were at the facility,” he noted.

In response to the Russian Ministry of Defense’s statement, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky denied the provocation claims and accused Russian forces of having staged the attack.

The mayor of the nearby town of Energodar had originally reported that the fire had been caused by Russian shelling, and that the blaze had engulfed the power plant itself, but the emergency services dismissed the latter claim."

Even RT UK on Telegram is sabotaged!

And on YouTube.

That makes intelligent people suspicious ....

Update kl 21:28: nu har skitstövlar också blockerat / blocked

Good that White TV quoted from

Och läs hos Pål Bergström:

Ge inte vapen till en genomkorrupt nazivänlig icke-demokratisk regim som attackerar civila


och från Mikael Hagenbo:


"Amerikanska underrättelsekällor" sprider fake news

"Personer inom USA:s underrättelsetjänster sprider medvetet falska uppgifter till media som en del av ett "informationskrig" mot Ryssland. Det avslöjar NBC News.

I media kommer allt oftare rapporter som uppges bygga på uppgifter från anonyma "amerikanska underrättelsekällor".

Nyligen uppgavs exempelvis sådana källor att Ryssland hade fört in kemiska vapen i Ukraina. Men enligt NBC News finns det egentligen inga belägg för den uppgiften.

I själva verket var de falska uppgifterna en del av ett "informationskrig".

Ett annat exempel är medieuppgifterna för en vecka sedan om att den ryske presidenten Vladimir Putin blir "vilseledd av sina egna rådgivare", som påstods inte våga berätta för honom hur dåligt kriget i Ukraina går.

En "västerländsk regeringstjänsteman" säger till NBC News att poängen är att "undergräva Moskvas propaganda och förhindra Ryssland från att definiera hur kriget uppfattas runtom i världen".

Ett annat syfte uppges vara att få den ryske presidenten Vladimir Putin ur balans."


Watch even on White TV:

Ukraina-regimen saboterar sina flyktingar som köar flera dagar i frost + regn utan mat + tak till Polen;

Nazistiska Kiev-juntan ville systematiskt förinta alla ryssar i Ukraina, och äckel-media tiger;

Putin, Biden, Leyen, Scholz, Macron, Magdalena Andersson, alla styrs av samma hemliga kraft;

Proof that Nazis got Power in Ukraine after US-Coup d'état in February 2014 Upd 27.2;

Nu har Putin invaderat Ukraina med sin överlägsna skalärvågsteknologi! Detta bekräftar att den äkta Putin har mördats efter 2015!;

NATOs och Västs försök från 2014/15 att starta krig i Ukraina mot Ryssland upprepas nu, Putin erkänner Donbassrepublikerna;