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US-militär vittnar ha sett en Reptiloid + Greg Reese film om engelska Kungafamiljen byta till Reptilkropp när de slaktar människor

Thursday, 17 October 2024 22:10

Intressant vittnesmål av en okänd US-soldat som vittnar ha mött en mycket stor Reptiloid. Filmen är från 2012 och trovärdig!

Sist en film från Greg Reese om Reptiloiderna med bra expertkommentar från David Icke och till sist Dr. Michael Salla. Han har sedan länge gjort mycket bra forskning om utomjordingar men under senare år kommit under Reptonas mind control, vilket jag varnat honom för flera gånger, men han kan tyvärr inte inse det.

De extremt mäktiga och duktiga Vita Draco Reptiloiderna har fortfarande makten över jorden, lägre rankade Reptiloider och slavarna, d v s oss homo sapiens sapiens, som de hela tiden har genetiskt försämrad för att vara optimala slavar: arbetsam men för dumma att fatta att de är slavar.


Se även på WTV:

Our Solar System is Galaxies Trash Can for most Negative: Archons, Reptilians, Tall Whites, Galactic Federation of Worlds;



Reptiloiden Dr. Steven Greer om utomjordingar, skalärvågsvapen snabbare än ljuset och atombombsskydd

Wednesday, 16 October 2024 10:09

Dr. Steven Greer är en Reptiloid som gömmer sig bakom en människokropp, man ser det tydligt på hans ögon och ansiktsformen. Han har utvecklats oväntat positiv under de senaste 30 åren och hjälper mänskligheten mycket! Han måste dock vara försiktig med budskapet att det är ännu så länge Reptiloiderna som härskar över vår planet.

OMG Dr. Steven Greer just exposed everything about UFO’s and it should concern all of us.

Dr. Steven Greer shares his views on challenging authority, questioning conventional wisdom, and exposing the truth behind organized religion, political parties, institutions, and social movements. He highlights the alarming reality of important technologies and information being held covertly by an unelected and unappointed group, outside the oversight of the president and Congress, posing a grave threat to democracy and freedom.

Dr. Greer discusses the freedom of the press and why crucial information about advanced technologies and extraterrestrial encounters is not being covered by mainstream media due to corporate and financial interests. He emphasizes the urgency of addressing these issues and the need for courageous individuals both inside and outside the government to take action.



FBI: Oprah Purchased "Sickening" Diddy Tape of Underage Justin Bieber Being Raped + Diddy Snuff Tape Showing Jay Z and Beyonce 'Sacrificing Children'

Wednesday, 09 October 2024 18:59

Hollywood pimp Oprah Winfrey paid $75 million to purchase sex tapes of Sean “Diddy” Combs raping an underage Justin Bieber and Aaron Carter among other child stars and is now selling the footage to Hollywood pedophiles, an industry insider reveals.
Oprah has been hiding in plain sight for decades, using the media to shield her from the truth. But this time, there’s no covering it up - the tide has turned. The truth is finally coming to light, and it’s about to shake the entire system to its core.

RFK Jr: Fauci Must Be Prosecuted for 330K Murders, As Mass Graves Found Outside NYC

Tuesday, 24 September 2024 13:10

"The mass graves of thousands of vulnerable children killed in illegal experiments by Dr. Anthony Fauci will used as evidence against Dr. Anthony Fauci when he is charged with crimes against humanity according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
In the same way that Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele’s crimes horrified the world when his atrocities were exposed after World War II, the details of Fauci’s deadly experiments on vulnerable groups — including orphans — is now leaving investigators stunned.
Dr. Fauci is a psychopath who has pushed science into the realm of sadism and there is an unmarked grave in New York state bearing witness to his ambition."

Filmen Europa the Last Battle förtrycks överallt! Här modiga Öystein Rönnes svenska textning

Friday, 20 September 2024 00:18