Russischer Dokumentarfilm über Mind Control im deutschen Fernsehen
Wednesday, 18 May 2011 20:54
Dieser russische Dokumentarfilm von Jerzy Sladkowski (1999) zeigt die erschreckende Wirklichkeit über die Fernsteuerung von Menschen. Russische Opfer, die meine Mandanten sind, haben mir diese Vorfälle in Russland bestätigt.
"Secret Russia: Moscow The Zombies of the Red Czar", German TV documentary, 1998. This documentary discussed psychiatrist Dr. Igor Smirnov and his psychoacoustic correction technology and equipment to beam messages directly into the patient's head for therapeutic purposes. The documentary included interviews of victims claiming illegal Russian government experiments for testing classified mind control or 'psychotronic' weapons." (Zitat von YouTube)
Dänisches Mind Control TI Lars Drudgaard
Tuesday, 17 May 2011 22:44
Danish TI Lars Drudgaard Brain Milked
Monday, 16 May 2011 22:15
Mind Control Targeted Individual (TI) Lars Lorentzen Drudgaard seems to be the first Danish citizen who Reclaims his Brain. He is not only remote controlled but brain milked and he gives useful advices how to escape, at least partly, from the control.
Reclaim The Brain med Peter Grafström
Friday, 13 May 2011 09:20
Peter Grafström utsätts för hjärnkontroll i Göteborg. Kampanjen Reclaim The Brain avslöjar att svensk sjukvård, militär och säkerhetstjänsterna konspirerar mot oskyldiga människor i ett globalt samarbete för att kontrollera hela mänskligheten.
Monarch Mind Controlled Brice Taylor misused by Henry Kissinger
Saturday, 07 May 2011 21:40
Brice Taylor is a typical US Mind Control Victim. She was programmed as a sex slave. In this film she dares to name names:
In the other film she reveals even severe child abuse.