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Mind Control Victim Mikael Stockholm

Tuesday, 26 April 2011 18:59

Mind Control Victim Mikael from Stockholm suffers from modern technology. Listen to his staggering testimony.

Mind Control Terror and Victims

Sunday, 24 April 2011 07:17

White TV starts a collection of testimonies from Mind Control Victims, starting with Swedish victims. Mind Control means remote control of the human brain by reading and changing thoughts, behaviour, feelings, everything that makes us human. This is the most horrible and clandestine weapon ever invented. The Illuminatis goal is to mind control every human by a tiny chip or weave pattern in order to get the New World Order in charge: the total slavery of mankind. We have to resist against it.

The first step is to realize what's really going on behind the curtain, to understand how huge and dangerous this conspiracy is.

Listen to the most famous Swedish Mind Control Victim Robert Naeslund


Links to Mind Control:

1. Society for Brain Integrity in Sweden

2. Bionic Gate




Monday, 18 April 2011 19:15

White TV startar nu kampanjen Befria Hjärnan – Reclaim the Brain –

för att skapa debatt om Sveriges brott emot de mänskliga rättigheterna genom att inplantera transmitters/chips i människor för att utnyttjas som labbråttor -                                                                   för hjärnexperiment, biologisk forskning, beteendevetenskapliga projekt och fjärrstyrning som brottsverktyg/mordvapen.

Hjärnchips injiceras bl.a. inom sjukvården och kopplar upp människans hjärna till fjärrkontroll med superdatorer eller människor.

En utveckling som pågått i det dolda under ett halvt århundrade med målsättning att styra människans beteende och kroppsliga samt mentala funktioner.

White TV börjar med Robert Naeslunds inledande förklaring om hjärnteknikens utveckling, missbruk och politiska utnyttjande. Många offer (targeted individual= TI)

kommer berätta om sina upplevelser och lidanden i hjärnexperiment. Hjärnprojektet är inbyggt bakom sekretess och försvarsforskningen (FOI) deklarerar i sin

verksamhetsberättelse att deras målsättning är att under hela livstiden styra människans kognitiva (tanke, förnuft) funktioner.

OBS! Vem som helst kan bli deras offer.

Här länk till intervjun på YouTube, som censurerades bort hos Vimeo

Robert Naeslund Mind Control Victim Intro sw from Henning Witte on Vimeo.

Här följer sidor från aktivister mot hjärnkontroll:


2. Society for Brain Integrety in Sweden

3. Bionic Gate

4. Mindcontrol in Sweden

5, Bugsweeper visar många tekniska apparater som gör mind control

6.  med mer info om Robert Naeslund

Flera intervjuer med mind control offer: Magnus Olsson, Magnus' mama, Mikael, Peter Grafström, student från Korea, Patricio Ayala, Lars Drudgaard, Andrea Laroche,

Peter Aggebrandt, Jari Rourali

Hemlig teknologi bakom mind control: skalärvågor !

Sida från TI:s med tips om skydd: Freedom from covert harassment & surveillance


William Cooper predicted 911; got murdered

Saturday, 16 April 2011 14:20

William Cooper was one of the most courageous men revealing the secret forces behind the US Government. He was a highly decorated former US Naval Intelligence Officer who published a stunning book in 1991:

Behold a Pale Horse, shedding light onto secret societies. He even predicted 911 only some weeks before it happened. That was too much for the shadow government of the USA. They took him out as JFK and thousands of other unconvenient people who oppose the New World Order (NWO).



Money As Debt

Sunday, 03 April 2011 22:00

This film is very pedagogical in showing how money is born by private banks and that all the money is created as debt. That means that the money volume is just sufficient to pay back all the debt but there is no money created for the interest right from the beginning. That means that peoble are forced to take new kredits in order to pay the interest for the old debts. This is the worst kind of Ponzi Scheme because people have no choice to stay outside this criminal system.