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Moder till Mind Control TI viktigt vittne

Sunday, 19 June 2011 11:31

Familjemedlemmar till Mind Control targeted individuals är viktiga vittnen då de känner sina kära från födelsen och kan intyga att de inte hade problem före attacken med elektroniska vapen. De har lättast att förstå att deras anhöriga inte är psykiskt sjuka. Lyssna till Elisabet som är mamma till Magnus Olsson som tidigare blev intervjuat på White TV som driver kampanjen RECLAIM THE BRAIN för att få slut med den elektroniska förslavningen av människor. Danderyds sjukhus hjälper till att mörklägga Mind Control.

På bilden Magnus Olsson och hans mamma Elisabet


Mind Control TI Andrea Laroche Brussels

Sunday, 19 June 2011 10:40

Andra Laroche has suffered extremely from Mind Control in Brussels. There is a very well organized infrastructure to cover up Mind Control. Police, doctors, hospitals, embassies, municipal authorities suppress the truth about electronic harassment. That indicates that all the politicians from the EU-Commission, Council and parliament, from NATO and other important institutions are all mind controlled. Join White TV's Reclaim The Brain campaign and protest against Mind Control with your local politician. She is a prospekt for Mind Control.

Andrea Laroche refers to former Britsh agent Carl Clark, read his interview here.


Satellite Terrorism

Monday, 13 June 2011 20:11

Satellite Terrorism is a term formed by Dr. John Hall whose fiancée became a victim of Mind Control. He wrote the book "A New Breed" and made a sorrow research into this items.


Listen to his interview at Swedish Red Ice Radio.


Smart Dust microchip Mind Control ?

Sunday, 05 June 2011 16:13

Does anybody know if there is such a thing as Smart Dust microchips?

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New testimonies Obama Bioethics Commission

Thursday, 02 June 2011 11:53

US-president Obamas Bioethical Commision had new meetings during May 18th, 2011. Listen to new testimonies from severely suffering targeted individuals: