Korrupta Internationella brottmålsdomstolen ICC i Haag och åklagaren Karim Khan har Ukrainsk blod på sina händer

Monday, 16 May 2022 05:37

Detta inslag skrivs då SVT Agenda fortsatte att sprida Bucha-lögnet mot Ryssland i sin rapportering om sossarnas landsförräderi genom NATO-ansökan.

Trots att den internationella chefsåklagaren Karim Khan (UK) från ICC var i Ukraina när anklagelserna om massakern i Bucha mot Ryssland kom upp, så åkte han inte dit med sitt brottsundersökande team för att mörklägga att den kriminella ukrainska regimen hade arrangerat det vidriga massmordet på sina egna landsmän för att svartmåla Putin och sabotera fredsförhandlingarna.


Ukraine: Bucha “False Flag” Falling Apart: “International Community” Calling ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan … No Response

"On 3 March Khan announced that an advanced team of ICC investigators had left for Ukraine to start investigating possible war crimes.

Two important facts should be noted from the start. First, Khan’s inquiry, although fully commenced in February 2022, is conceived to encompass offences within the court’s jurisdiction going back to information previously collected in the course of ICC Prosecutor’s preliminary inquiry that was opened in April 2014.

Second, fortuitously, at the time of the Bucha operation in early April 2022, Khan happened to already have had an investigative team in place in the Ukraine, which presumably should have been capable of visiting Bucha within hours of the alleged occurrence to attempt to clarify what may have occurred there.

The existence of an ICC “preliminary inquiry” into offences committed in Ukraine going back to 2014, was officially acknowledged just recently and rather timidly, but it is significant. The scope and results of that inquiry still remain publicly undisclosed, but its likely limitations may be inferred from then-prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s frank acknowledgment of close and one-sided coordination with the Ukrainian authorities throughout that period. When and if the data collected in the course of that preliminary inquiry are made known, it will be interesting to see whether evidence of massive shelling and huge loss of life among civilians in the Donbass at the hands of Ukrainian military forces, the only massive crimes against humanity during that long period, will have been recorded and properly reviewed.    .....

The second and even more critical point is that notwithstanding Karim Khan’s insistence on going by the book, over a week has passed since Bucha accusations have been raised (or three weeks, if we go by New York Times’ allegations, corroborated by dubious Western intelligence photos, alleging a different date when the massacre should have have occurred) yet he has neither done his duty nor exercised his prerogative to send the investigative team already on the ground in the Ukraine, reinforced if necessary, to secure the alleged crime scene in Bucha (and why not also the site of the latest false flag in Kramatorsk?), initiating all the required forensic and related activities in order to sort out what happened and to respond factually to the grave allegations that have been levelled.  ......

But more importantly, while ceding to the Kiev regime and its sponsors an immense propaganda advantage, Prosecutor Karim Khan’s inaction in the critical time frame immediately after allegations of a major crime against humanity had been made has given Kiev ample time to destroy evidence of its culpability and to doctor the remaining evidence to appear to support its claims.

Under the circumstances, dereliction of duty would in fact be the most benign explanation for Khan’s and ICC’s negligent conduct. The reality may be far worse. There is substantial evidence of ICC’s systematic investigative bias and selective focus over a period of many years, in the Ukrainian situation at least, that practically rules out oversight as a viable explanation and suggests deliberate adherence to political directives. The brutal dismissal of former prosecutor Bensouda leaves little doubt that Khan’s refusal to follow marching orders would have led to his professional demise also, as it did to his predecessor’s. That is why the sordid Bensouda affair bears careful re-reading to better understand not just Karim Khan’s otherwise professionally inexplicable conduct but also the embarrassingly narrow limits of International Criminal Court’s actual “independence” from politics."

Eftersom den genom US-statskupp påtvingade ukrainska terrorregimen kunde fortsätta sin slakt på sina ukrainska landsmän genom mörkläggningen av fasorna i Bucha, så har ICC och åklagaren Karim Khan blod på sina händer! SVT också! Blodbadet i Kramatorsk med en Ukrainsk missil hade t ex kunnat förhindras!

Läs på Newsvoice:

Den franska oberoende journalisten Anne-Laure Bonnel och den italienska fotografen Giorgio Bianchi vittnar vid ett informellt FN-möte om den ukrainska militärens krigsbrott och kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter.


Update: TVP World 17.05.22:

International Criminal Court’s largest investigation team ever sent to Ukraine

Plötsligt går det .....


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