Covid-Israel: 25% increase in Cardiac arrests & Heart attacks (16-29). 83.6% increase in Heart attacks (Women 20-29)

Saturday, 14 August 2021 22:37

Israel is one of the countries with the quickest and highest Covid-vaccination rates in the world. A comparison of the 911 emergency calls in Israel in 2019, 2020 and 2021 for Cardiac arrests & Heart attacks show that the Covid-vaccines cause a horribel rise of Cardiac arrests & Heart attacks.

The study was done by Retzef Levi M.Sc (Professor at the School of Management at MIT, University in Boston, Ph.D. in Performance Research at Cornell University).

Läs även på Samnytt:

Att ha varit smittad av covidviruset ger avsevärt mycket bättre skydd än två doser av Pfizers vaccin enligt en studie från Israel. Tiotusentals journaler undersöktes under perioden 1 juni till 14 augusti.

Se även på WTV:

Island, Gibraltar och Israel fullvaccinerad men nya Covid-19 fall ökar 2500%;


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