Förespråkare av Vaccinpass=vaccintvång är kriminella Mengele-medlöpare, människoförsök främjare

Tuesday, 16 March 2021 09:19


Bildkälla: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-03-15-top-vaccine-scientist-warns-the-world-halt-all-covid-19-vaccinations.html


Nu kommer trycket från det kriminella etablissemanget att införa Vaccinpass, d v s diskriminera alla som inte vill vaccinera sig så stark, att de blir tvungna att vaccinera sig mot Covidviruset ändå. M a o rent vaccintvång. Detta strider klart och tydligt mot våra grundlagar! Snacka om att trampa dogman om allas lika värde med fötter!

Att testa ett vaccin tar normalt 5 - 10 år. De vacciner som cirkulerar nu har inte testats ordentligt. Alltså genomför de flesta regeringar människofösök just nu. Sedan Auschwitz-Mengeles fruktansvärda härjningar under Hitler och senare efter 1945 under CIA som Dr. Green / White / Black är det strängt förbjudet att göra människoförsök. Det framkom under Nürnberg-rättegångarna strax efter WW2.


Nu kommer en whistleblower från vaccinindustrin, som även jobbade för den extremt människoföraktande torteraren Bill Gates: Geert Vanden Bossche. Han är en vaccinförespråkare men kräver ett omedelbart stopp för alla Covid-vaccineringar, då de är inga vanliga vacciner utan något totalt nytt.

Samnytt var först med nyheten:


Det stora problemet enligt honom är att Covid-vaccinerna blockerar bara det nuvarande viruset, men inte de farligare varianterna, som nu uppstår, t ex i England.

Dessutom medför denna smalspåriga blockering att värre Covidvirus triggas genom massvaccineringen vilket öppnar för betydligt fler dödsfall än hittills:

"He says covid-19 vaccines are “brilliant” medicine and insists they do work on an individual level, but says they are “the wrong weapon” to be deployed on a global scale when high pressures of infectious pathogens are present.

As he tweeted on March 3rd, “I am EXTREMELY concerned about the impact current Covid-19 vaccines will have when increasingly deployed in mass vaccination campaigns conducted in the heat of a pandemic. Read my global WARNING & scientific evidence.” He then gives the following link for his warning:

concern_about_using_current_covid_19_vaccines_for_mass_vaccination_in_the_midst_of_a_pandemic_geert_vanden_bossche 2.pdf

That URL links to a PDF document which we have saved in the public interest, posting it on NaturalNews servers at this link (PDF). .....

Here’s an actual quote from Dr. Bossche:

"One could only think of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction."

As Dryburgh.com explains:

Dr Bossche believes that vaccinologists, clinicians, and scientists are only focusing on short-term results at the individual level and not the consequences at the global population level, which he believes will soon become evident. Evident in the form of having transformed “a quite harmless virus into an uncontrollable monster”.

His concern rests on ‘immune escape’. For those needing an quick introduction to the topic, read Jemma Moran’s article Mutant variations and the danger of lockdowns.

Continuing from that site:

Bossche states that the multiple emerging, “much more infectious” viral variants, are already examples of “immune escape” from our ‘innate immunity’, and were most-likely created by the government interventions themselves; the so-called Non-Pharmacological Interventions (NPIs) – i.e. lockdowns and cloth facial coverings. Unofficially, but also more aptly known as the Non-Scientific Interventions.

He believes that:

Ongoing mass vaccination deployments are “highly-likely to further enhance ‘adaptive’ immune escape as none of the current vaccines will prevent replication/transmission of viral variants”

As such, “The more we use these vaccines for immunizing people in the midst of a pandemic, the more infectious the virus will become”.

And “With increasing infectiousness comes an increased likelihood of viral resistance to the vaccines”.

He claims his beliefs are basic principles taught in a student’s first vaccinology class – “One shouldn’t use a prophylactic vaccine in populations exposed to high infectious pressure (which is now certainly the case as multiple highly infectious variants are currently circulating”).

He states that to “fully escape”, the highly mutable virus, “only needs to add another few mutations in its receptor-binding domain”. ....

As a vaccine advocate, Bossche believes that vaccines do work on an individual level and can create immunity against the intended pathogen. However, in the aggregate, mass vaccinations of large populations during a pandemic results in a phenomenon known as “immune escape,” meaning the virus develops variants which are immune to the available vaccines. This natural selection adaptation of the virus results in an even more dangerous spectrum of virus strains escaping the bodies of hosts and being reintroduced into the wild, now more dangerous than the original pathogen the vaccines were designed to halt.

In his presentation, Bossche warns that covid-vaccines, “cannot control replication of more infectious CoV variants and may evendrive immune escape.”

Källa Zero Hedge

Bortsett från det så har vaccinkritiker tagit fram en rad andra tunga argument att inte vara försökskanin åt den djupa staten:

WTV: Bara idioter tar vaccin, de flesta läkare är dumma

Covid-19 vaccin biovapen anser Dr. Francis Boyle: Don't take the Franken-shot!

25 orsaker till att Covid-19 är ett bedrägeri !!! från Öystein Rönne

Zero Hedge:Brussels Prepares To Introduce "Vaccine Passports" To Save European Tourism Industry

What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”? By F. William Engdahl

Vaccin biter inte på sydafrikansk corona

Vaccinpass är folkhälsofascism

BEKRÄFTAT: Astra Zenecas vaccin orsakar blodproppar



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