Ukrainsk-israeliske oligarken Igor Kolomoisky utreds för stöld av 1,8 mjd IMF dollar

2015-08-28 18:52

källa; ukronazi Igor Kolomoisky gömmer sig i USA efter anklagelser om stöld av 1,8 miljarder USD från IMF nödlånet

I mars 2015 sparkade den ukrainske oligark-presidenten Petro Porosjenko den ukrainsk-israeliske oligarken Igor Kolomoisky, då denne försökte få mer kontroll över den ukrainska oljan och makten än presidenten.

Som en reaktion, får man förmoda, utreds Kolomoisky nu för stöld av 1,8 miljarder USD som Ukraina fick i lån från IMF. Kolomoiskys privatbank som heter PrivatBank fick 40% av IMF:s jättenödlån på 17 mjd USD april 2014. 1,8 av dessa skall Kolomoisky ha slussat ut ur Ukraina, där pengarna verkligen behövdes, till diverse skatteparadis.

Redan innan var Kolomoisky enligt Forbes god för 1,24 mjd USD. Att de flesta girigbukar aldrig kan få tillräckligt med pengar .......

"PrivatBank, Ukraine's largest lender partly owned by controversial oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, is under criminal investigation by the authorities for fraudulently diverting around what was then about $1.8bn, the bank has confirmed." rapporterar Russia Insider.

"As bne IntelliNews reported, the paper trail suggesting PrivatBank moved $1.8bn out of the country was hiding in plain sight in Ukraine's online database of litigation. But regulators and law enforcement agencies ignored the signs until the international press picked up the story in the wake of bne IntelliNews’ story.  ....

Processing these cases, journalist investigations identified six firms from the UK and British Virgin Islands as having received the “advance payments” in May-August 2014 totalling $1.81bn, with no subsequent delivery of goods.

42 firms registered in Dnipropetrovsk made the payments from their accounts at PrivatBank, funded by loans from PrivatBank collateralised with the goods ordered. All the Dnipropetrovsk firms are owned via offshores, but journalist investigations linked them via cross-ownership or trading operations to structures belonging to the so-called “Privat Group” of companies.

The six non-resident recipients of the funds also have links to Privat Group trading operations, according to the investigations. Tellingly, their accounts are held with PrivatBank's subsidiary in Cyprus owned by the six UK and BVI firms. Three separate journalist investigations (herehere and here) came to the same conclusions, drawing largely on open sources and thus easily verified."

Igor Kolomoisky gömmer sig passande nog i USA, som inte kommer att utlämna honom till Ukraina, bl.a. därför att deras mind control slav Arsenij Jatsenjuk är premiärminister där.

Mer om brottslingarna i Ukraina på White TV:

Sköt den ukrainsk-israeliske massmördaren och oligarken Kolomoisky ner MH17?

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