Visar alla artiklar i Räddning ur finanskrisen

Money Supply created by Federal Government

2011-04-05 00:01

The former US Treasury analyst Richard C. Cook tells us in this film, part six of six, that money should only be created/born by the Federal US Government through direct spending and lending of money as was done with the Greenbacks from Abraham Lincoln, which has been  the reason why the banksters murdered him.

I personally would prefer that creating new money is not done by the Government but only  the Central Bank  which should be State owned, as in North Dakota,  independent from the Government and controlled by the people by direct elections every five years. If the Government gets the power over the money they could be tempted to missuse it in order to get reelected. The elections for the Central Bank have a controlling function, and I think people will understand that.



Bank Credit is Money out of Thin Air

2011-04-04 23:30

The former US Treasury analyst Richard C. Cook tells us in this film, part four of six, that all credit given by banks or central banks nowadays i is money made out of thin air, as John Maynard Keynes puts it.



US Treasury Analyst speaks out

2011-04-04 23:07

The former US Treasury analyst Richard C. Cook tells the American Peoples struggle for own money and how they lost because of constant murder of honest and courageous presidents and conspiracy in the dark.



Warning for Tungsten Gold

2011-04-02 14:29

There have been rumors and warnings that China and other gold players distribute gold bullion with tungsten inside, which is diffucult to detect, because tungsten has alsmost the same specific gravity as gold. You should only buy bullion gold with a certificate. Watch this warning:



Utah's 1. step to Gold Standard

2011-04-02 13:58

In the beginning of March 2011 the US State Utah ruled that gold and silver are legal tender again after 80 years. This relates to coins only but there are plans to issue bills that are backed up by gold and silver. Gold and silver coins are legal tender not only by their face value, but also their value in gold and silver or to a collector, writes the Salt Lake Tribune.